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July 1, 2019

It was very refreshing to go from daily routine data to counting new things and creating new symbols during my trip. I went from doing the dishes and cleaning to counting feathers, gas stations and states. Below is the summary of my data from June 1-17.

Travel Data

With my other weeks of data I used the amount of each symbol in my art but this time I combined only one each.

New Experiences

I also created images from the songs that were stuck in my head as well as the billboards.

Songs stuck in my head


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July 1, 2019

While walking around gift shops at Mount St. Helens and Mesa Verde, I came across a few books that I picked up. I have always collected feathers that I find when walking and I found 13 while traveling. Looking through the book on feathers I discovered that most of the ones I found were from eagles. The other books were full of symbols from Native Americans. I was able to find some similarities in the symbols I created.

Sketch of a feather while on the road

Tracing nature from found objects at Cannon Beach Oregon. (Wood, shells, rocks and a feather)

In Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast I discovered U design form examples using feathers. I experimented with the feathers that I collected.

Experimenting with U design forms of feathers

Making connections with my symbols and those found in Rock Art Symbols of the Southwest

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July 1, 2019

During the 17 days that my family and I were traveling, we visited 14 national/state parks. We also collected 179 flowers mostly from the sides of the roads we were driving on. Also, while driving through the state of Montana, we counted 148 crosses. Each cross counted came with the realization that it represented a life lost.

14 National/State parks symbols on a piece of map from Arches National Park that I scanned.

179 shapes for the 179 flowers picked

148 lines in shades of blue for the 148 crosses

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